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Friday, June 1, 2012

Dirt 3

Dirt 3 
Size: 7.4 GB
Info:  dirt3
System Requirements: game-debate

There's a good chance I'll never hurtle down the backroads of Finland at more than 100 mph in a BMW Z4. To be honest, I'd be terrified to cross into triple digits on roads so narrow. But to be able to experience such a feat in a safe environment is divine. Dirt 3 delivers this power, reminding rally nuts what a fun ride this series is.

The driving in Dirt 3 feels tight and responsive, and the six tuning options return to balance out any terrain type. Driving through Finland, Michigan, Norway, LA, Kenya, and Monaco feels superb. Cars respond effectively to the slightest control touches and the need for tight braking stands out. Every slide from gravel onto tarmac or snow feels significant and the variations require extreme concentration. When competitors kick a spray of snow onto the windshield, the effect is appropriately chaotic. The addition of rain, snow, and nighttime driving is not simply cosmetic – headlights are required, wipers stay busy, and tires are tested.
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