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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tales of the Heroes Twin Brave PSP

Tales of the Heroes Twin Brave PSP
970.35 MB
Version: 2.1 and up

In Story Mode, players choose one of the characters one at a time. Each of the characters have their own pairings, which determine who the AI-controlled partner will be. Story Mode itself is divided into the Serious Scenarios, which represent the main story of the game, and the Comical Scenarios, which are humorous stories which have no effect on the outcome of the main story.

Only a few Story Mode options are playable at the beginning of the game, with others being unlocked after these are completed. These initially playable stories involve Cress Albane, Stahn Aileron, Veigue Lungberg, Chloe Valens, and Jude Mathis.

Elraine can be unlocked by clearing all 30 scenarios.

Free Mode
Free Mode is not available in the beginning, but it is unlocked after completing a few of the different characters' Story Mode scenarios. In this mode, players are given the freedom to choose the characters, their partner, and the area they wish to explore.

Schwartz can be unlocked by getting gold medals in every stage.

Tournament is also not available in the beginning. In this mode, players are also given freedom to choose characters and partners. During Tournament Mode, players will compete against AI-controlled characters in a tournament battle until the winner is found. Money will be awarded to players who win the tournament.

Duke Pantarei can be unlocked by winning a tournament in Hard mode without retrying.

Score Attack
In this mode, players must race against time to get a score as high as possible. Characters, areas, and partners are free to choose.

In this mode, players are given a specific mission, using specific characters chosen by the computer. For example, one mission is to defeat 150 enemies within 100 seconds using Luke fon Fabre.

Battle System
Tales of the Heroes: Twin Brave is one of the few games in the series which does not use the traditional Linear Motion Battle System. Instead, battles are designed to be similar to that of the Dynasty Warriors series, in which party characters attempt to explore a large map area while being assaulted by large crowds of enemies at once.

The basic battle system in this game is known as Aggressive Chain Capacity (A.CC). Characters manage artes through consuming A.CC points, and they can get these points restored by normal attacks, free movement through the field and special actions such as Just Guard. A.CC points increase as the character upgrades, maximizing at 100.

The player controls a single character, and that character is granted a partner who is controlled by AI. Players are given freedom to traverse through each specific area that they find themselves in. In the area, the usual goal is to defeat a boss in the innermost part, often one of the other playable characters. During the battle, if the Partner Gauge (PG) is full, the players can enter Twin Brave mode, which can make both the player's partner and character move faster as they fight together.

When the Limit Gauge is full, Over Limit mode can be activated. During Over Limit mode, the character receives a power boost and becomes capable of chaining infinite combos without consuming A.CC points. Furthermore, the character is protected from being interrupted during attacks. Mystic artes are also activatable during Over Limit, if they have been purchased, which can be followed by a chain attack from the partner if both characters have purchased their mystic artes.

Battle Menu
In the battle menu, the players are given a chance to customize and edit the equipments, artes, or accessories of the characters. There is also a shop which provides new weapons, artes, and accessories to be purchased for each character. Some are available only if the required level is fulfilled. The battle menu is available before players enter an area.

There are a total of 15 playable pairings, each representing a single game from throughout the series. Three antagonists from these games are also present within the game in a fully playable way. Each of the characters have their own story mode, which is often designed to mimic or reference the story of the games that they come from.

Preview game play:


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