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Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Eagle

The Eagle 2011 FRENCH DVDRiP XViD-SLiM
700.69 MB
Release Date: 23 February 2011 (Indonesia)
Stars: Channing Tatum, Jamie Bell and Donald Sutherland
Subtitle: Indonesia, English

The Year is AD140 and it has been 20 years since the legendary IXth Roman Legion marched north into Caledonia (modern Scotland) to control the British Isles. The Legion was completely defeated, to Rome's embarrassment, and the Legion's prized standard of the Golden Eagle was captured. Marcus Aquilus (Channing Tatum) is the son of the Legion's General, and determined to exonerate his father and the family name. Choosing Britain for his first active station, he must prove himself to his men when local Barbarian tribes, led by an angry Druid, attack the fort at night.

Marcus senses the attack and wakes his men in time. They fight the intruders and win the battle but the next day at the village near the fort, the Druid has returned with prisoners of war - an expedition sent out by Marcus to find a grain convoy. The leader of the expedition is beheaded.

Marcus leads the best of his men out of the fort. Using their shields and the proven Roman infantry battle tactics, they push back the Celts and defend the prisoners. They start to move back to the fort when the Druid summons his chariots. The chariots race forward, with scythes on the wheels, and hack down the men retreating. Marcus grabs a spear, steadies his aim, and launches it at the Druid - killing his driver, and causing the chariot to topple onto him.

With his leg badly injured, Marcus is sent to his Uncle (Donald Sutherland)'s house to recover. His captain informs him that Rome has learned of his actions - Aquilis has been given an honourable mention for leading his men to a courageous fight to defend Rome's fort, but that due to his injury, Marcus has also been given an honourable discharge from the Army.

Marcus is distraught. He watches a gladiatorial contest with his Uncle, when he has sympathy for a young slave, Esca (Jamie Bell) that has been pitted against a seasoned gladiator. Esca refuses to fight and is beaten. Marcus rallies the crowd to save the boy. His Uncle buys the slave for Marcus, to help his recovery.

Soon, a Senator arrives at his Uncle's Villa and talk returns to the fate of the Ninth Legion. Now that Marcus has reasonable recovered from his wounds, he seeks permission to cross Hadrian's Wall north into Caledonia and retrieve the Eagle. At first it is dismissed, but then he is given his wish.

Marcus will need the help of Esca as a guide and translator - and in return Esca will be granted his freedom.

So Marcus and Esca cross the Wall to hunt for The Eagle. Esca politely asks anyone they meet if they saw 5000 Roman soldiers walking by 20 years ago, and they keep walking north.

They get attacked at intervals by small groups of warriors, but defend themselves quite well.

A little later, Marcus thinks Esca is not asking the right questions, so threatens a villager and finds out about a man who can help them. They soon find the man - a deserter - a legionnaire who ran when the fighting was fiercest and has been living rough in Caledonia, now married with children. He points them on the way to the far north, but won't go with them.

On their quest they follow an eagle, to give them hope, and then bump into the ferocious Seal People when they finally grow sick of each other's company and fight. Esca takes control and tells the Chief's son that Marcus is his Roman slave. They are taken to the Seal village on the northern tip of Scotland, and Esca (as the Brigante Chief's son) is accepted.

The young Seal warriors prepare for a rite of passage and the men get drunk. The Chief dons the tribal outfit and brings The Eagle out from a cave. In a trance, Marcus walks straight to it, and is soon knocked unconscious.

With all the men heavily asleep and worse for wear, Esca shakes Marcus awake, and together they enter the cave to get the Eagle. Marcus is pleased to have his old friend back. Inside they are startled by the Chief and his bodyguards, but they prove no match for Marcus and Esca. Before he dies, the Chief tells Marcus that he saw the Roman Commander-in-Chief beg for mercy like a coward before he killed him. Esca doesn't translate what was said.

They pack their horses, but the Chief's youngest son catches them. He wants to go with. Esca convinces him to stay behind and keep quiet, and the two are off.

In the morning the Chief's eldest son sees the gift Esca left behind with the young boy, and soon the cat is out the bag. A war party is summoned, and they race after the Roman and his slave.

The Seal People are tough, and with better knowledge of the terrain are gaining on Marcus and Esca. Soon their horses give in, and Macus's leg is giving him gip. Marcus stays behind near a submerged stream, hidden by rocks, with the Eagle while Esca goes for help.

Esca returns with the legionnaires who deserted the army 20 years ago, led by the wild man before. Just in time, as the Seal People have found their location. The Chief's Eldest kills the young boy in front of the Romans. Wrong move as this makes little Esca mad.

There is a final battle. The Romans are doing well, but the Chief's Eldest is a formidable fighting machine and dispatches the old legionnaires with ease. In fact if he took them all on alone he would be finished with his enemy in no time. He defeats the Wild Man. But soon he meets Marcus, and the experienced Roman gets the better of his enemy. Without their captain, the remaining members of the Seal war party give up and go home. Somewhere in all this, Marcus learns that his father died a hero - the deserters stayed with the ranks until the very end, but were ashamed to admit that before.

Marcus, Esca and the remaining few soldiers burn the body of the deserter on a funeral pyre.

Marcus and Esca say their goodbyes, return to Roman Britain and present the Eagle back to the Senator. Esca is now a free man and Marcus knows that his family name has been vindicated.

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