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Monday, September 3, 2012

Time Shift

Time Shift
Size: 2.86 GB
Game Details:
Info: game-debate

The key feature of TimeShift is the player's ability to control time: slowing, stopping or even rewinding time more or less at will. This allows a player to stop time to dodge an incoming projectile or steal an enemy's weapon. Specific time-related puzzles also require these abilities. The player's abilities also affect the color of their environment in such that slowing time produces a blueshift, rewinding it produces a yellow haze, and stopping time creates a white filter "haze". The player must use them wisely to make its way through the game. In some parts of the game the time powers are lengthened.

Scientists from the near future have begun work on creating a viable time machine. The project results in the creation of two devices, the Alpha Suit, a prototype jump suit, and the Beta Suit, a more advanced, so-called military grade model with features the Alpha Suit lacks such as combat-related timeshifting abilities and an integrated artificial intelligence to prevent the creation of temporal paradoxes.

The director of the project, Dr. Aiden Krone, takes the Alpha Suit and travels into the past. Once there he alters the timeline, placing himself as the ruler of the Krone Magistrate that controls a dystopic world.

The protagonist, a fellow scientist whose name is never spoken (never mentioned in the game or manual), then takes the Beta Suit and follows Dr. Krone back to the year 1939 (in an alternate timestream) to a place called Alpha District. During the transport, parts of the Beta suit are damaged forcing the protagonist to assist the Occupant Rebellion against Dr. Krone in hopes of salvaging parts from the Alpha suit.

He is eventually confronted by Krone in a giant war-machine which nearly destroys the Occupant Rebellion, but he succeeds in defeating Krone. As an incapacitated Krone emerges from the wreckage, the protagonist kills him and retrieves the part required to repair the Beta suit. He is thanked by the Occupant commander and returns to the original timeline to save his girlfriend who had been killed by the explosion Krone had caused. He shuts down the bomb and walks up to his girlfriend, who begins to wake up. She reaches out to him although not sure of who he is. As he begins to remove his mask the AI in the suit warns that a paradox is imminent and transports him away.

Preview game play:

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